
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Creating in the rain

I have often been asked about the amount of rainfall and gray days here in the Pacific NW at the foothills of the Olympic rainforest. Folks seem to wonder about going stir crazy, getting depressed, and how is it possible to wake up day after day to gray overcast skies and generally some sort of precipitation.

My Muse is in her glory when the rains return. When the rains have settled in for the winter the Muse breathes a sigh of contentment as she realizes that there is no longer other things taking priority over the art corner. The gardens will be soon put to bed, the summer socializing of barbeques, park concerts, and day trips will now take the back seat.

As the rain and early nightfall blanket over the Pacific NW the flannel clothes and heavy socks and sweaters come out of storage. The woodstove is cleaned out and the wood laid in for the winter. The cocooning has begun and the Muse comes out to play. The art corner takes on a glow that beckons. The fire is burning both in the woodstove and creatively. With lovely hot drinks, cozy soft clothes, music playing softly, rain on the roof, and wind in the trees..time stretches out and the Muse is joyful.

Yes...I love the rain. From my Muse to yours....Create in the rain!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I just joined....

Creating the Hive...a marvelous gathering of artisans, crafters, and generally talented people. I look forward to connecting with other artists and sharing in the collective inspiration and camaraderie. As we connect with one another we enrich one another and the blessings can start flowing to enrich the world.


I have finally wrestled Picasa to the mat and have a slideshow going with a few silk scarf photos. Today's mission is to get more batteries for my camera and start a marathon photo session of all the silk scarves in stock and ready to sell.

Also....a brand new colorway that is gorgeous and of my own creation!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Though this looks sparse now, it is a work in progress...sort of like me! More to come as I build the dream of Dragonfly Dawn Silks.